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Dari Abu Hurairah r.a…Nabi s.a.w. sabdanya:

"Sesiapa yang mengajak ke jalan mengerjakan sesuatu amal yang baik, adalah baginya pahala sebanyak pahala orang-orang yang menurutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi sedikit pun pahala itu dari pahala-pahala mereka, dan (sebaliknya) sesiapa yang mengajak kejalan mengerjakan sesuatu amal yang menyesatkan, adalah ia menanggung dosa sebanyak dosa orang-orang yang menurutnya, dengan tidak mengurangi sedikit pun dosa itu dan dosa-dosa mereka."

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

embodiment of the unity

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(gambar hiasan )
The convoy coordinated by the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH), one of the founder members of UNIW. UNIW is being represented in the flotilla by Mubarak Al-Mutawwa, Deputy Secretary General of UNIW. In an earlier statement, Mutawwa said and stated that this convoy which is the embodiment of the unity of the Islamic World also represents the people’s conscience. As a show of support to the Turkish initiative, and condemnation of Israel assault on the humanitarian aid ships, UNIW member organizations in Malaysia comprising of Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (Wadah), Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), Global Peace Mission Malaysia (GPM), Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM), Yayasan Takmir Pendidikan (YTP), Future Global Network (FGN) and Yayasan Perpaduan Ummah (YPU) will be convening a gathering outside the Turkish Embassy Kuala Lumpur at 10.45 am Thursday 3 June 2010.We invite and call upon all like minded and concern citizens and organization in Malaysia to participate. It should be noted that :
  • 1. Israel’s assault on the humanitarian aid ships is inhumane.

  1. 2. Israel has once again transgressed the boundaries.
3. Israel carried out assault on 600 civilians from 50 countries. Israel has lost forever after its assault causing 15 deaths and more than 100 people to get wounded! Israel has made banditry in  international waters! It should get its response in the strongest manner.
4. International powers should immediately denounce the Israeli interception to the aid flotilla and should immediately intervene in the matter.
5. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) should urgently come together and prepare an urgent action plan.
6. International public opinion should not stay unreactive against the interception and the prevention of the aid flotilla and should organize wide peaceful protests in every scale.
The conscience of the humanity is having one of the most important exams of its history. We call on the entire World and humanity to take action and say stop to Israel in the face of this situation.


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