بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Kita ikuti bicara salah seorang pakar pelaburan emas di Malaysia - En Syukor Hashim
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Apa khabar pembaca sekalian? Saya berharap anda sihat walafiat. Harga emas turun banyak sekarang. Dalam USD870. Jadi ini adalah masa terbaik untuk membeli emas. Baiklah, untuk posting kali ini kita akan melihat peranan emas di dalam 2 situasi yang berbeza. Yang pertama, ketika keadaan aman, seperti di Malaysia dan kedua ketika krisis ekonomi dan politik, seperti yang sedang berlaku di negara Zimbabwe.
Peranan emas ketika negara aman dan makmur.
Bagi kita rakyat Malaysia, apabila kita membeli emas, biasanya ada 4 tujuan:
1. Sebagai penyimpan kekayaan (harga emas stabil/naik dalam jangkamasa panjang)
2. Sebagai pelaburan - untung beli ketika harga rendah, jual ketika harga tinggi
3. Sebagai barang kemas sebab nak nampak cantik.
4. Hantaran kahwin
Memandangkan kita berada di dalam keadaan yang sangat aman dan ekonomi yang stabil, tidak pernah terlintas di hati kita bahawa emas adalah penyelamat nyawa, duit ataupun penentu hidup atau mati betul tak?
Peranan emas ketika kegawatan ekonomi dan politik.
Di dalam keadaan kegawatan ekonomi atau politik, emas akan memainkan peranan utama sebagai medium pertukaran – atau wang. Ketika itu manusia tidak akan mempercayai wang kertas kerana wang kertas hanyalah – kertas! tak ada nilai. Contoh yang paling mudah ialah apa yang berlaku di Negara Zimbabwe.
Ketika ini keadaan ekonomi dan politik Zimbabwe adalah tidak menentu. Kadar inflasi di Zimbabwe mencecah 5 sextillion peratus (ada 21 biji kosong)5 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% inflasi. Pergh… teruk giler…Wang 100 billion Zimbabwean Dollar cuma boleh membeli 3 biji telur. Pada tahun 1980, Zimbabwean Dollar mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada USD, tetapi kerana pemerintah yang sesuka hati mencetak wang kertas, maka nilai wang negara Zimbabwe telah kehilangan nilainya (baca kat sini) Wang kertas Zimbabwe tak laku…
Saudara saudari sekalian, dengan keadaan politik dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil kehidupan mereka sangat sukar. Wang kertas tidak ada nilai. Jadi, bagaimana mereka meneruskan kehidupan? Apa yang mereka gunakan sebagai duit?Jawapannya. Emas.
Untuk meneruskan kehidupan rakyat Zimbabwe terpaksa mendulang emas. Ini kerana emas diterima sebagai wang.
Kesimpulannya.Walau apa jua keadaan ekonomi dan politik, orang yang menyimpan emas tetap akan untung. Bagi kita rakyat Malaysia, kita amat bertuah kerana negara kita aman, stabil dan makmur. Jadi kalau kita simpan emas ianya lebih kepada menyimpan kekayaan dan membuat pelaburan.
Kita tetap untung.Dalam situasi yang politik dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil, emas akan menjadi penyelamat nyawa kita dan keluarga kita. Inilah yang akan menjadi wang nanti.
Jadi, dengan harga emas yang turun sekarang nie anda dah boleh beli emas. So apa tunggu lagi, mulakan simpanan emas anda sekarang!

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Friday, March 25, 2011
why gold
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Why gold
Why gold
For thousands of years, gold has been valued as a global currency, a commodity, an investment and simply an object of beauty. As financial markets developed rapidly during the 1980s and 1990s, gold receded into the background and many investors lost touch with this asset of last resort. Recent years have seen a striking increase in investor interest in gold. While a sustained price rally, underpinned by the fact that demand consistently outstrips supply, is clearly a positive factor in this resurgence, there are many reasons why people and institutions around the world are once again investing in gold. This website provides you with the background to these reasons and describes the defining characteristics of the gold market from an investor's point of view.
Market Fundamentals
Gold's extensive appeal and functionality, including its characteristics as an investment vehicle, are underpinned by the supply and demand dynamics of the gold market.
For more on the fundamental structure of the gold market »
World Gold Council Investment Research
The World Gold Council is an international not-for-profit organisation. Head-quartered in London, we have regional offices in India, China, Japan, the Middle East, Turkey and North America. Our investment research programme provides investors around the world with key information about gold.This includes the publication of a wide range of research papers - by acknowledged academics and our own in-house experts alike - looking at gold's investment characteristics, as well as a wealth of information on the structure of the market, demand and supply flows and regular updates on gold market statistics.
tahukah anda?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
kenapa emas?
-> Ia merupakan wang sunnah
-> Ia mempunyai nilai yang tersendiri (intrinsic value)
-> Nilainya diterima di mana sahaja (accepted
-> Nilainya seiring dengan harga barangan
(value increase)
-> Perlindungan dari inflasi (hedge against
kenapa emas?
-> Ia merupakan wang sunnah
-> Ia mempunyai nilai yang tersendiri (intrinsic value)
-> Nilainya diterima di mana sahaja (accepted
-> Nilainya seiring dengan harga barangan
(value increase)
-> Perlindungan dari inflasi (hedge against
Pelaburan emas
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
call me : at 012-599-8638
Buy gold bars and coins instead of jewelry for investment. You may not get a good price for jewelry because of making and processing charges involved in it.
Look for hallmark or BIS sign on gold bars and coins. It is a sign of quality and purity.

Buy physical gold only from a well-known dealer or bank.
Gold should be viewed as a long-term investment.
Gold investors should not be "buy today and hope to make money tomorrow".
Gold should be seen as a store of value and insurance for your portfolio. When you buy insurance, you are not expecting to die tomorrow.
call me : at 012-599-8638
Emas sebagai penyimpan nilai sebenar kekayaan
Tips membeli dan menyimpan emas

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
منزل > العمليات
العمليات | نقوم بإنتاج الذهب بأقل تكلفة ونبيعه بأعلى سعر في السوق. تلك هي فلسفة Virgin Gold التشغيلية الأولى والوحيدة والتي يدركها كل موظف من موظفي Virgin Gold. لا يمكن لأي شركة أن تكون مخطأة عن طريق الإنتاج بأقل تكلفة والبيع بأعلى سعر. وبالرغم من تفاؤل العالم بشكل عام بشأن ارتفاع أسعار الذهب ليصل إلى 2000 دولار للأوقية على المدى المتوسط، إلا أنه من المحتمل أن تكون نسب التحسن البينية خلال تلك الفترة من 30% إلى 50% والتي تدوم لعدة سنوات. وستفقد الشركات، التي لا تكون مستعدة لذلك ولا تتوقع مثل هذه الاحتمالات، مبالغ كبيرة من أموال المساهمين. وباحتمالات تصل إلى واحد من بين ثلاثة آلاف اكتشاف تؤدي إلى تطوير المناجم و10 بالمائة فقط من رواسب الذهب العالمية التي تحتوي على ذهب كاف للتعدين، يصبح الاستكشاف أمرًا متعبًا ومكلفًا للغاية. ولتحقيق مشروع تعدين ذهب ناجح؛ هناك ثمان محاولات فاشلة على الأقل. ويقود مالكو الشركات الجشعون المستثمرين لفقدان مئات الملايين سنويًا إيمانًا منهم بفورة الذهب. في Virgin Gold ، نفكر بحرص في تكاليف الإنتاج. بدأنا في العمليات منذ عام 1999وكنا قادرين دومًا على تحقيق عوائد جيدة بغض النظر عن أسعار الذهب بسبب الطريقة التي نعمل بها. لم نلزم أنفسنا قط بما يتجاوز مواردنا ولم نغال في ارتفاعات أسعار الذهب. ومتى أمكن، شارك موظفونا في العمليات الميدانية. وفي الأوقات التي نعاني فيها من قلة الموارد البشرية وموارد رأس المال، فإننا نحقق أهدافنا من خلال التعاون والمشروعات المشتركة ومبادلات الأسهم وزيادة حصص المساهمين وغيرها من الترتيبات المالية مع شركات التعدين المحلية والبارزة. وبالنسبة إلى العمليات المستقبلية، فإننا نشق طريقنا نحو تصنيع الذهب والتجارة فيه. |
,,,,,لماذا الذهب على مدى قرون، كان الذهب منشودًا بسبب ما يتميز به من الندرة والجمال ومقاومته للتلف. كانت الأمم تحتفظ ... اقرأ المزيد ››هبمنزل..,,,ما الذي نقدمه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مستثمرونا | ويعتبر الاستثمار كمفهوم عام هو استغلال أموالنا ووقتنا ومجهودنا أو تلك الخاصة بالآخرين مقابل زيادة في القيمة. وتعتبر Virgin Gold أداة استثمار متخصصة في تحقيق عائد جيد للمساهمين بغض النظر عن سعر الذهب. وباستخدام تكلفة إنتاج الذهب الرشيدة والتحوط والتجارة الإلكترونية، يمكن لشركة Virgin Gold التركيز على هدفها الإستراتيجي الخاص بزيادة صافي قيمة الأصول والتدفقات النقدية لكل سهم. ومن خلال طرح أسهم ممتازة قابلة للتحويل إلى المستثمرين العالمين، تهدف Virgin Gold إلى جمع المزيد من رأس المال لتوسيع عملياتها العالمية وتحقيق أهدافها السابقة.
-VGMC-الصحة والسلامة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مسؤولية الشركة | الإنسانيةيعتبر التعليم هو أساس مستقبل كل طفل. ويمثل الاستثمار في تعليم الشباب استثمارًا في التنمية والاستدامة وثراء المجتمع. كما أن النهوض بالتعليم من بين![]() “ الأهداف التنموية للألفية”للأمم المتحدة وتدعم مؤسسة Virgin Gold للأعمال الخيرية هذا المجهود بالكامل. ومن خلال الشراكات مع المؤسسات العامة والمنظمات الخيرية، فإننا نحسن من مشاركتنا الخيرية في المجتمع. وفي النهاية، فإن قيمة الشركة تنعكس من خلال الانخراط بنجاح في المجتمعات التي نعمل بها. تأسست مؤسسة Virgin Gold للأعمال الخيرية في عام 2005 لغرض وحيد هي تقديم العمل الإنساني. |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
المجتمع![]() بالنسبة إلى Virgin Gold ، تتضمن المشاركة المجتمعية نطاقًا واسعًا من الأنشطة – بداية من تعيين المساهمين حتى التشاور مع الجيران المتأثرين بالفعل أو الذين يحتمل أن يتأثروا بعملياتنا ومن مراكز الخدمة المجتمعية إلى تحديد فرص الشراكات المفيدة للطرفين ومن بناء الطاقة الاقتصادية المحلية إلى دعم المشروعات الهادفة إلى تطوير البنية التحتية المجتمعية. نؤمن بأن تلك المشاركة الفعالة لا تكون ممكنة باستخدام مسار يناسب جميع التوجهات. في بعض المواقع، تقع عملياتنا بالقرب من مجتمعات مزدهرة. وفي بعض الأماكن الأخرى، تكون عملياتنا بعيدة للغاية ونكون أرباب العمل الوحيدين أو واحدًا من بين القليلين الموجودين. وبالنظر إلى المنظور العالمي لعملنا، فإننا نقدر الحاجة إلى أن نتمتع بالمرونة، والحساسية فيما يتعلق بالظروف المحلية والسكان، عند الانخراط في مجتمعاتنا والاستثمار في المبادرات التي تركز على البيئة. مع هذا، وبالرغم من الاختلافات المحلية التي قد نواجهها، فإن مبادئنا تظل كما هي: ألا وهي مشاركة المساهمين بروح من الشفافية وحين النية وتقديم مزايا دائمة للمجتمعات التي نعمل بها من خلال دعم المبادرات المستدامة لتطوير النسيج الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والمؤسسي. نجري جميع أنشطتنا وفقًا للمعايير المقبولة فيما يتعلق بحماية حقوق الإنسان وتعزيزها. كما نحترم وجهات النظر الثقافية والتاريخية وحقوق هؤلاء الأشخاص المتأثرين بعملياتنا وخصوصًا السكان الأصليين. نقدم منافع دائمة للمجتمعات التي نعمل بها من خلال دعم المبادرات المستدامة لتطوير النسيج الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والمؤسسي. ونعترف أن كل مجتمع فريد في ذاته كما نعمل مع شركائنا المجتمعيين لضمان ملائمة دعمنا لأولوياتهم. ويعتبر الدعم الذي نحصل عليه من المجتمعات التي نعمل بها أمرًا حيويًا لنجاح شركتنا. وخلال عملياتنا – ابتداءً من نشاط الاستكشاف المبكر حتى الإغلاق – فإننا نسعى للانخراط والتشاور مع المجتمعات والحكومات التي تستضيف عملياتنا وكذا مع المساهمين الآخرين فيما يتعلق بالشفافية. |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
about vgmc
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- 1.0 About Virgin Gold
- 1.01 What is Virgin Gold?
- Virgin Gold Mining Corporation (VGMC) is an investment holding company that ventures in gold mining and exploration.
- 1.02 Where is Virgin Gold based?
- Virgin Gold is based in Panama, an international offshore tax-free financial center.
- 1.03 Where and what does Virgin Gold operate in?
- Virgin Gold currently operates in parts of Africa and South America and is focused on growing shareholders’ value through joint ventures, acquisitions, exploration and the development of potentially large-scale gold mining projects.
- 1.04 Why is Virgin Gold based off-shore while operating onshore?
- Virgin Gold utilizes various offshore vehicles to facilitate its onshore business operations. This means that we are able to generate maximum revenue and legitimately pay tax-free dividends to our shareholders.
- 2.0 About Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stocks (CPS)
- 2.01 What is Virgin Gold CPS?
- Virgin Gold is currently undergoing an exercise that issues fresh Convertible Preferred Stocks (CPS). It invites willing investors worldwide to join in this offer. CPS is a type of stock that has conversion prices named at issuance, so it can be converted to the company's common stocks at the set rate. Virgin Gold CPS holders will receive fixed monthly dividends and reserve full rights to convert their stocks into common stocks. This can be done by paying 50% of the price difference between their CPS subscription price and IPO price when Virgin Gold launches an Initial Public Offering (IPO). For example, if a Virgin Gold CPS holder subscribed his CPS at $1.20 and the IPO offering price is $4.20; he will then need to pay 50% x (4.20 – 1.20) = $1.50 per share in order to convert his CPS to public listed common shares.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Owning a gold mine, although potentially very profitable, may also be a source of ruin for many corporations. 95% of gold discoveries worldwide are not economically viable. It takes somewhere between 8 – 13 years to bring a gold mine from scratch into production, though this time frame can be halved in certain cases. Regardless of the amount of money that has had to be spent and the resources involved, many ventures have had to be scrapped at some stage due to unsolvable problems.
Gold Mining

- Stage 1: Exploration
- 3-5 years
- Prospecting to discover and confirm mineral reserves
- Conduct geological survey/geochemical sampling to locate and delineate ore deposits
- Conduct core drilling to determine the ore grade and geologic characteristics
- Begin collection of environmental and community baseline information
- Stage 2: Development
- 3-5 years
- Design and receive approval for mine construction and operation
- Complete engineering design of the optimal mining method (open-pit or underground) and mineral recovery process
- Complete project feasibility study
- Obtain necessary construction and operating approvals
- Obtain land and water rights
- Stage 3: Construction
- 2-3 years
- Construct mining facilities in accordance with approvals, requirements and standards
- Establish a skilled construction team to execute the development plan
- Construct mine and processing facilities and associated infrastructure, such as roads, power and water lines, and employee facilities
- Stage 4: Mining
10-35 years is the average lifespan for a gold mine. - Stage 5: Closure/Reclamation
Gold mining can be politically risky, for many reasons. Gold mines cannot be moved and are very capital intensive, making them very tempting targets for abuse by governments or organized labor. Even though some world regions are considered riskier than others due to different property-rights traditions and current geopolitical events, ultimately every gold mine on earth bears some level of political risk. While gold mines in Africa can be outright confiscated by malicious Marxist governments and rebel militias, those in the West can be shut down just as easily by liberal and pro-environmentalist politicians.
Though these unfortunate events are very rare, they are one of the key reasons why it is so vital for Virgin Gold to diversify its investments into different quality gold mines in different global regions.
There is no reason to regret the fact that Virgin Gold has yet to own a gold mine outright, even after a decade in this business. It is rather a testimonial of how prudent this corporation is in its decision making and toward fulfilling its responsibility to its shareholders.
There is a saying that, "a gold mine is just a hole in the ground surrounded by liars". Operating a gold mine incurs considerable costs and more often than not, gold mines with “probable reserves” turn out to be not as lucrative as portrayed. The acquisition of gold mines with “proven reserves” has reached a record high; reflecting the record price of bullion gold. If gold price were to drift into a correctional phase, such investment in a gold mine at a peak price would equate to a major loss for many years down the road. Many current profitable gold producers acquired and developed their mines when gold prices were at record lows many years ago.
In fact, Virgin Gold is involved in a few gold ventures in both South America and Africa through its onshore investment vehicles. Our subsidiaries also jointly own rights to perform exploration and development work in both continents. We are sure that at the appropriate time and with the right opportunity, Virgin Gold will have outright ownership in some of the better gold mines worldwide.
vgmc -produce
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
| ![]() Although the whole world is generally bullish about gold price hitting USD2,000 an ounce in the medium term; correction in-between rallies can be as much as 30-50% and last for a few years. Corporations that are not ready and do not foresee such possibilities will end up losing a lot of shareholders' monies. With odds of only one in 3,000 discoveries leading to mine development, and only 10 percent of the world's gold deposits containing enough gold to mine, exploration can be tedious and expensive. For every one successful gold mining venture; there are at least 8 that failed. Greedy company owners led innocent investors to lose hundreds of millions every year believing in the gold rush. At Virgin Gold, we are very prudent about production costs. We have been in operation since 1999 and have always been able to generate good profit regardless of gold price because of how we operate. We have never over-committed our resources and never over-estimated gold price rises. Whenever possible, our employees are involved in field operations. At times when we are limited by human capacity and capital resources, we achieve our targets through cooperation, joint ventures, stock swaps, stake holdings and other financial arrangements with local and senior mine operators. For our future operations, we are working our way into gold manufacturing and trading. |
vgmc -aiming target
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Virgin Gold, as well as being a truly enterprising and ambitious corporation, retains realistic and achievable expectations. Currently a global niche player, our long term vision is to become an industry leader in gold mining, manufacturing and trading sectors.
We aim to achieve this through cooperation, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions and exploration across all geographical locations. Virgin Gold aims to raise 3 to 5 billion dollars of working capital through issuing new Convertible Preferred Stocks to the global community within the next few years.
However, going public remains our medium term priority. We foresee ourselves launching an IPO by year 2015 if the environment is conducive. It will be very interesting when this materializes since millions of our private shareholders will hold public listed shares. Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stockholders will be able to convert their shares into public traded common shares. The shares to which they currently subscribe with Virgin Gold will potentially appreciate several times over after the IPO.
What we aim

We aim to achieve this through cooperation, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions and exploration across all geographical locations. Virgin Gold aims to raise 3 to 5 billion dollars of working capital through issuing new Convertible Preferred Stocks to the global community within the next few years.
Our corporate mission is to build a sustainable mining business that consistently delivers top earning per share to stockholders while leading in terms of safety, environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility.IPO
While an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is an interesting and lucrative proposal, it is not part of our short term goal. We are currently comfortable as a private corporation because it allows us more room in which to grow and compete. Based in a tax and business friendly offshore jurisdiction, Virgin Gold is better-placed and more flexibly able to invest in many onshore operations than its bigger peers. Our short term goal is to grow this corporation into a global industry leader and return good and consistent dividends to shareholders.However, going public remains our medium term priority. We foresee ourselves launching an IPO by year 2015 if the environment is conducive. It will be very interesting when this materializes since millions of our private shareholders will hold public listed shares. Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stockholders will be able to convert their shares into public traded common shares. The shares to which they currently subscribe with Virgin Gold will potentially appreciate several times over after the IPO.
vgmc-who are
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Since its founding in 1999, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation has grown quickly to become one of the world's leading gold exploration and mining companies and a young, dynamic organization with a global reach and an international perspective. Based in Panama, an international offshore tax-free jurisdiction, Virgin Gold utilizes various offshore vehicles to facilitate its onshore business operations. This means we are able to generate good revenue and tax-free dividend to our shareholders worldwide.
With approximately 500 employees, Virgin Gold is efficiently managed, whereby everyone in the organization understands its mission, vision and corporate philosophies. Despite our tender age, Virgin Gold is better structured, and more prudently managed and financially viable than its peers, allowing it to optimally exploit any unforeseen volatility in the current financial market.
The executive boards are responsible for running the day-to-day operations of the corporation while the board of directors makes vital decisions and decides on major issues as advised by the various committees. The latter support the Board of Directors in assessing risks, setting remuneration, and monitoring the integrity of the financial statements. Meanwhile, both external and internal auditors collaborate closely to ensure every single operation achieves its objectives, shareholders enjoy maximum benefit and the corporation grows to greater heights.
Since its founding in 1999, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation has grown quickly to become one of the world's leading gold exploration and mining companies and a young, dynamic organization with a global reach and an international perspective. Based in Panama, an international offshore tax-free jurisdiction, Virgin Gold utilizes various offshore vehicles to facilitate its onshore business operations. This means we are able to generate good revenue and tax-free dividend to our shareholders worldwide.

The executive boards are responsible for running the day-to-day operations of the corporation while the board of directors makes vital decisions and decides on major issues as advised by the various committees. The latter support the Board of Directors in assessing risks, setting remuneration, and monitoring the integrity of the financial statements. Meanwhile, both external and internal auditors collaborate closely to ensure every single operation achieves its objectives, shareholders enjoy maximum benefit and the corporation grows to greater heights.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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an account to handle...is a gold..worthly to get ...open account and get wealth
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